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Week 2: Being Yourself and Loving It #journeytoauthenticity #BeYou

Beautiful people welcome to Hiding Behind My Glasses #journeytoauthenticity! Authentic's I'm happy to have you here! I'm happy...

Friday, February 5, 2016

Do you love you?

Hello gorgeous authentically made people!

I wanted to briefly check in and share a few thoughts about authentically loving yourself.

Behind my glasses.......
I've mentioned in previous blogs how I can be hard on myself. I understand that for many of us were can over analyze and examine ourselves over and over again. We will constantly look over the same problem picking apart every detail to see how much of a screw up we are!

I would like to purpose something to you my dear readers. I would like for those of us who hate on ourselves to begin to practice self love.
When you make a mistake, of course take responsibility for it, but also apply love instead of  criticism.

Think if your child brings in a bad grade on a test she prepared for. Would you then say to her,"gosh, you're so stupid"? Or would you kindly talk with her, administering a firm but caring attitude?
Authentic's we will compliment a stranger, go to bat for person we don't know, before we administer that compassion toward ourselves.

This post is brief I know.... I want us all to look within. Let's discover what we are saying to ourselves when we make wing choices, or when we're forgetful, out when we work past a deadline. Are we cruel and condemning ourselves? If so I challenge you to begin to stop poisoning yourself any further.

Let's administer love to ourselves!

Until next time gorgeous people.....

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