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Week 2: Being Yourself and Loving It #journeytoauthenticity #BeYou

Beautiful people welcome to Hiding Behind My Glasses #journeytoauthenticity! Authentic's I'm happy to have you here! I'm happy...

Monday, February 22, 2016

Week 8 & 9: A Letter To Myself. #GETLIKEME #authenticlife #journetytoauthenticity #loveyourself #naturalauthenticlife

It's the final week Authentic's!

It's the final week of my nine week blog, Hiding Behind My Glasses. I'm sad to say goodbye! I'm thrilled though, to communicate to all who joined this journey with me, how this experience has been a game changer! I have gotten my natural authentic life! I wanted to end this by writing a letter to myself, and ultimately to those of us in the world who hide behind anything physical or otherwise. I want to apologize, forgive, and liberate the authentic me before my readers in hopes that you to may find the courage to do the same. Dare to be IN LOVE with the being you are!

Hiding Behind My Glasses...
Dear Sharhonda,
Your name means love, among other great things. Isn't it crazy that the very thing we deny ourselves lies within us. In this instance it's in your name. You were destined to return back to love. I'm thankful God orchestrated it to be so! I want to apologize to you, to me, for hiding. For snuffing out our light, for looking to others when all along we were the love that we needed. You and I, as ONE, were enough and I didn't know it. Thank God you, my spirit sister, did! I've learned that our spirit, because it's connected to the divine knows all. I'm glad that we connected! Sharhonda I honor you, and I forgive me. I love the parts of me that were broken, shaken, damaged, pulled apart. I love me. I love me because that's what I needed. Love heals all things. I know better now that all of those things that occurred in my life aren't reflections of who I am. It had nothing to do with me. I always was Sharhonda, and always will be. I've learned that what people do to me doesn't define who I am. I have learned that I grow through adversity. I positively evolve! The toughest times in my life have been turned into positive energy that is used toward my good. I'm eternally grateful for grasping that. I love me. I love me because it's the antidote I needed all of this time. I pledge to continuing learning how to love me so that in all ways I can show up authentic. YESSSSSS!!!!

Thank You.
Thank You Sharhonda for doing the work! Thank you for being! I'm Honored to be me. I'm thrilled outside my black and pink heart socks that I've learned to love Sharhonda!!!!! *Insert Fireworks*

Authentic's take a moment and rejoice for liberation! Liberation from messy minds and stinking thinking! I have came along this journey with several realizations. One of them is that I see the world through different lenses. We are all snow flakes and each of us have our own design. In the end we are all snowflakes. Individually-collective, if that makes sense. I'm never on an island, because I'm in this world with so many who's spirit I connect to. I'm also unique and alone because my experience is my own. I honor that. I welcome and embrace that. Because it's me. It's who I am.
I have grown to love my laugh.. my story isn't this sorrowful and shameful story anymore..it's now this story of courage, triumph, and success. I can see my resilience, my effort, my fight. I can see the greatness that is Sharhonda. Lord I denied myself my truth and my grace for so long!How about that! My task, and yours now is to keep the momentum going. Remind ourselves daily that we are loved. We are loved. We are loved.

I listened to Mary J. Blige and Jada Pinkett Smith on the radio a few days ago. They were discussing how women get married and expect their husbands to love them in areas they don't even love themselves. Jada mentioned how she's screaming out, love me...pay attention to me.. and she realized it was coming from a place of need for her to love and know herself. I could so relate. I would ask and cry and yearn for love...thinking my life partner wasn't delivering. The shame I must have heaped on his head telling him that he wasn't meeting my needs. I craved affection. I'm keeping it real y'all. I'm a kissy face person. Very affectionate! My kids get kisses and hugs daily. :)  I also now know that I didn't love myself. I had hid myself not only from the world but from myself. I didn't love me. Now that I'm out of the closet so to speak, now that I'm no longer hiding, I am so in love with who Sharhonda is! She's awesome sauce! I dig the chic that I am. YESSS!!! Like my spirit is cutting cartwheels! ( I have to add here that there's something about knowing yourself and loving who you are. People can't step to you or effect you the way they used to.) I want to say GET LIKE ME lol it's rap lyrics that come to mind when I celebrate! Authentic's don't be like me but get like me, get this authentic life! Be you, in your being, the way you were absolutely created to be. Don't you apologize for it either. That means don't be sorry for being who you are, you can't change that when its true, healthy, and loving. Don't dare apologize for being quirky, laughing loud, singing to every song on the radio, or wearing blue lipstick if that's you! Don't apologize, just BE. Be inspiration for someone else to get their natural authentic life too!

I was used to living a life hiding. Having lived in the shadows for so long I have a few habits to break. It's no overnight trip. It's a journey my dear loves and I'm practicing everyday!

In Conclusion:
Authtentic's I don't have a lot left to say... If anything I end this series with this.

I am who I am and who I am is who I love because who I am is authentic. YESSSSS!!!

Get into the business of loving you Authentic's!!!!
And show yourself off sometime don't worry about the people. When you like you, the right people will like you to! Everybody else doesn't matter. <3

God bless my loves.

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