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Week 2: Being Yourself and Loving It #journeytoauthenticity #BeYou

Beautiful people welcome to Hiding Behind My Glasses #journeytoauthenticity! Authentic's I'm happy to have you here! I'm happy...

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Week 6: Be Patient with YOU! #journeytoauthenticity #bepatient #hidingbehindmyglasses #youhavethepower #goatyourownpace

Beautiful day here in South Carolina Authentic's!

I have missed writing. I have not been feeling my best so I needed to take some time off. My mind just doesn't flow very well when I'm enduring sick days. I'm still learning health management in that area. I hope you are forgiving my loves!

So this week I wanted to discuss being authentic through your process. What does it mean to connect with yourself, and be true to yourself while you go through healing of emotions, health conditions, career transition, building a business, etc.? All of those things are different types of life processes, right!

Behind My Glasses.....
A year ago I was working with the youth, planning workshops, and had 10 children yelling Mrs. K for about 5 hours a day! Today I'm unable to hold a 9 to 5 due to health issues. To have that happen at what I felt was the height of my life in terms of marriage and career is disheartening to say the least. I went from planning and building my future to being uncertain about it. I'm still in the learning phases of navigating life with an illness. Sometimes my goals are set back a few days. It makes me super frustrated because I'd like to be further ahead than I am. I am horrible with myself. I do my best not to think negative but I often find myself feeling sorry. I worry tremendously about when will I accomplish my goal. I promise this post gets more positive! ☺

 Thinking the way I have is a dangerous thought pattern because it can put you into a place of depression. I have found myself thinking, "I might as well give up". Giving up meaning stop working toward this goal for a while because right now my health doesn't allow me to do what it is I need to do consistently. It's amazing how we as people can allow one problem to come up and begin to dictate the rest of our lives! How do we find ourselves in a place where we will forfeit our goals as if we don't possess the power to overcome? I know that in my mind I can see things through a very narrow and dark tunnel. I can't see past what's right there in front of me. It's like I'm no longer aware of the other things that are occurring around me. Great things, you know! So that tells me it takes awareness. Awareness of the possibilities that are available to you!

The good out of this Authentic's is that God has allowed me, especially throughout last week, to see people who have suffered like me continue to create the life they desire to live. These people had successful career paths and all of sudden those things had to change. I was able to speak to someone who has exactly the illness I'm showing symptoms for and she discussed with me how she made lemons into lemonade! I understand now that the first thing I have to do is be patient with myself. Authenticity takes that we be patient, look at our situation fit what it is and work through it.

I have to continue to LOVE myself. I have to be real....be authentic, about how I feel. I have to correct negative self talk. I have to be aware of it. When I'm aware I can nurture myself. I can re frame my thinking. I can look at life and know that yes something has come up, but it's only a detour. Detour signs take you a different route but you still end up in the same place you desired. You can also end up somewhere else after discovering along the detour a different more satisfying place.

Don't lose heart my loves! I'm not! Be authentically in tune with yourself so that you can go through the process responsibly. Don't give in to the hardship ahead. Love yourself and be patient. Don't beat yourself up about slow days. See the truth, that it's hard, that it's frustrating, that its uncomfortable.... Also see that you can change these feelings by how you think about yourself and the situation at hand. You absolutely have the power!

Until next time my loves.....

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