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Week 2: Being Yourself and Loving It #journeytoauthenticity #BeYou

Beautiful people welcome to Hiding Behind My Glasses #journeytoauthenticity! Authentic's I'm happy to have you here! I'm happy...

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Week 2: Being Yourself and Loving It #journeytoauthenticity #BeYou

Beautiful people welcome to Hiding Behind My Glasses #journeytoauthenticity!

Authentic's I'm happy to have you here! I'm happy because I'm able to express myself in the most purest form with intention. I'm happy and grateful because you have joined me in this sacred space. I'm happy to be starting something new! I thank God you have joined me. I'm definitely smiling more because of it! We're discussing being ourselves this week. Being authentic at its core I believe is being who you genuinely are. I'm going to share with you my experiences. Getting Naked as my life coach, Precious, says! I'm telling my business gladly because I get to share my gift. Thank you for honoring my gift to! :)

Hiding Behind My Glasses.....
So my family and I are invited to a social function but, I'd rather be alone. I feel good in solitude and I wanted to enjoy that. Besides I get really anxious when I have to enter social settings and it's usually because my thoughts can't get past how people see me. #GettingNaked
 I have to be at this social function because its for my nephew-in-law's birthday. It'd be rude if I don't show up right? So I go. I try to ignore my anxiety all the way there, talking to my husband about some random topic that has popped into one of our minds. By the time we've arrived to the party, I have to use the bathroom but its mostly nerves because when I get there its not much to dispose of. I just sit there to catch my breath. I stand and look in the mirror to give myself  the pep talk. The pep talk is the speech I give to the nervous Sharhonda to muster up strength to perform. The pep talk goes like this, "OK, put your face on!" That's it.
I then wipe my face with a cool towel as if I'm wiping off the old face to make way for the new one. I smile at myself to check to see if the smile hides my anxiety. I make sure my eyes look bright and convincing as well. I walk out of the bathroom with my face on and I smile with a glow, "Hi, how are you doing?" I give hugs and make small talk all the while the anxiety bubbles in my belly. The voice in my head is saying, "Hurry up and find a seat!" This way I can get settled into my safe place. It's the place where I may be a little hidden but around people who I'm used to. I can't wait to leave and I'm thrilled when its nearing the end because I can get in the car, breathe, and take this dang face off!

In these instances I'm clearly not being authentic. Surely I shouldn't walk in shaking like a leaf! Yes, I'm overly concerned about how others see me. I'm thinking about possible mistakes I could make even though I've never committed any foolish acts at family functions. When anxiety talks, it talks big! Insecurities thrive in this condition of the mind. It suffocates authenticity. How could I possibly be myself when I am worried about how to impress everybody else. I'm concerned with being perfect for them. I forget about myself. Super revelation! I'm overly concerned with failing a test that I may not even be given. If I am given the test these people aren't my teachers. God and Life they teach, they use others, they instruct, and give wisdom. People well they are vessels. How I'd like to have been able to hear that in the moment but my mind was consumed with worries about how others see me.

The beautiful thing is we are given second, third, and fourth chances! I had a chance to face my fears... I had a chance to just be me without apology. It was a thanksgiving holiday with  my family. I immediately begin to get anxiety about who am I going to talk to, how will I interact, and how will people receive me? I immediately began to worry. That sucks right! To have a mindset that turns on worry as easy as you can turn on water. I recognized immediately that I was heading into a bad place and that it would ruin the rest of my day. I didn't want that. So instead of my usual go put your face on speech, I said to myself, "Just be you".

 Woooosaaaaa!!!! *Smiles*

That just feels good even saying it in my mind right now. It's like a fresh wind blows in from the east and flows over to the west with ease. It feels good. If you can imagine a warm spring morning where the trees are bright green and the sun is shining. It feels like that. Beautiful. Calming. Courageous. Joyful. Great! Magical! You just have to be there in that moment. Give yourself permission to just be you! After that decision, with every move I made I said, "it's OK". If I had a thought about worrying about what I said, or did, I repeated to myself, "it's OK". Ultimately, it's okay to be you. It's okay to laugh extra loud. It's okay to not go and be a part of the group right now. It's okay to sit in the room with the old folk because you like their spirit. It's okay to talk to the kids instead of adults because you like how they talk! It's okay to sit by your mother in law to enjoy her smile. Whatever you choose to do in this moment is okay because you are being true to you. That's authenticity.

Authentic's being you along this journey is important because you take off the chains of your past, along with the opinions of others. You remove chains of bondage and negative thoughts. Being you is one of the greatest freedom's you can afford yourself. To just be is a gift. I look at commercials, TV shows, media, and I see how people are trying to force you into a box. It's a gift to miserable people when you are miserable with them. I understand that because when I became ill I sought out people who had the same illness as me. They understood every pain and complaint I had. If you are always around people who are miserable though and you can't get out of that misery something is wrong. That's not a place God intended for us to live forever. For that reason I needed to break free from putting on the face. I was trying to fake it until I made it but I wasn't accomplishing anything. I wasn't showing people who I was. I'd end up angry when people weren't putting forth any effort in getting to know me. If I wanted people to know me, I have to be authentic. I have to be me no matter the setting. I have to be me so that anxiety, insecurity, and fear of others opinions doesn't win. I have to be me so that others can see the freedom that comes with staying in your own lane.

So Authentic's what does it mean to be yourself? Who are you? Do you put your face on before leaving the house? Do you put on for the crowd? Let me know your experiences. Share with me when you didn't honor yourself by being yourself. How can you turn that around? How can you become authentic in this area of life? Just be you! I'm excited about sharing my experiences with you this week. My intention is to be me so that I can be more authentic!

Signing off.....

Friday, December 25, 2015

It takes action! #beintentional #journeytoauthenticity

Authentic's it's been a super busy week with it being the holiday season! My daughter, who's eleven, always reminds us which date Christmas break starts. She also reminds us that we need to bake cookies or build a gingerbread house for our family tradition. It's a very special time of year for her! I love the fullness of joy that she has.

This year it's been a little hard for me to get into the spirit of the holidays. I thought it would emotional for me because of my current situation. As I was starting to feel sorry for myself I heard a bird singing outside the bedroom window this morning. I listened and smiled. For that instance it's like God interrupted my sulking to remind me of the beauty today holds. After that I took a shower and prayed. I started to think INTENTION. What type of day did I want to have? I wanted to smile an authentic smile, the same smile that the bird's song had brought upon my face. I wanted to dance on the wind of the Christmas carols blasting from the radio. I wanted to smile with my children and genuinely be happy about it. I intended to have joy and love today no matter what my current situation was and I did.

I did because I added ACTION to my intentions. I purposely spent extra time putting on my cherry blossom body lotion. I made sure to rub the back of my worn feet because they needed extra love. I felt refreshed as I dabbed on some body spray. I felt like a lady as I looked in the mirror fresh and beautiful. All of these things, I know, make me feel good about me. I looked in the mirror and smiled at myself because I smelled like a rose and I'm shining bright like the sun. I'm beautiful in that moment. I'm getting back to that joy!

Intentionally, I took extra time on my hair, trying different styles until I found one that made me feel queen-like. This hair style allows me to walk in the room un-bothered by the looks of others. I'm not bothered because I look like a queen and I smell like a rose and I shine bright like the sun. I'm grand with grace.

With intention I pick clothes out that make me feel like myself, relaxed, homeboyish, with sass. I'm pretty, sporty, funny, gorgeous, and will write a check I can surely cash if need be! You know, I'm that real chick. Authentic! I splashed yellow beads against my black shirt to promote happiness and joy. I wore the yellow bracelet to remind myself that I'm a gorgeous rose, having fun, loving others, being me.

I had to be intentional. I had to take action. I had to do what was needed to produce the results I wanted.

Being authentic includes being intentional. Being intentional requires awareness. Bringing all of this together requires action. I'm learning Authentic's. I'm learning the work that it takes. I'm learning the faith it takes to move away from what you're familiar with in order to move toward your new normal.

I'm excited about the new year!
Soon we'll know what it's like to walk in authenticity each and every day. If I fall behind then I'll jump right back in the game! Cause being authentic is my goal. Let's do this thing with intention!
Let's be our genuine, authentic, God breathed selves!

Until next week gorgeous folks.. Enjoy your holiday season! #Beintentional

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Awareness #BeIntentional #JourneytoAuthenticity

Authentic's!!!!!! How's your day been?

I've been practicing taking care of my business. I say practicing because I'm in the midst of surrendering, letting go, of language that no longer serves me. Trying to take care of business doesn't serve me. So I practice! 

So as you know, if you've been reading along, I decided to theme this week Being Intentional. I have looked for ways in which being intentional and being authentic relate. I've found today in my research that awareness fits into the relationship between authenticity and being intentional. I also found this quote that I enjoyed, “It takes courage to grow up and turn out to be who you really are.”~E.E.Cummings. 

Along this journey, Authentic's, I remember having my life coach ask me a series of questions that caused me to look at things in a totally different light. One thing in particular that she asked was what my responsibility was in the outcome of my life. I thought of that before, you know, but not in depth. I hadn't looked at it with awareness or without the victim mentality I'd spoken of in previous post. The quote above speaks volumes about awareness without mentioning the word. You  have to have courage in the world we live in filled with haters, spectators, judges, and executioners! How many of us are doing things to fit in? How many of us say the same phrases.... Yasssss! You knew!!! That's what's up!!! Dab On 'Em! I mean Really!!! #TEAMGuiltyascharged LOL 
So we do things and we act certain ways that protects us from being rejected by the mainstream. The question is then are you aware of how you are moving through life? Are you and I moving according to whats accepted by society, or are we moving through life according to who we are created to be? I'd like to note to that once you are being as God created, you aren't just moving through life, you're living it to the fullest!

Behind my glasses.......
 Before Precious, aka my life coach, asked me what my responsibility was I was moving through life on autopilot. I was waking up, taking care of kids, cooking dinner, dishing out my troubles to friends on the phone, and trying to live my life! I wasn't living it though. I was in a fog. I felt like my sight was clouded with grays and blacks trying to manifest a dream. I was tired, busted, and disgusted! People would say, "Sharhonda, How are you?" My response would be, "I'm making it!" Meaning, I'm here... wishing life was better, but I'm trying to make the best of it. I wanted a life where I could wake up in the morning and say, Thank you Lord instead of OH Lord! I dreaded most days. My question became, what is going to be the problem that I have to overcome today? I watch on Facebook everyday how many of us say, "I'm not pressed for nothing!", or "Living life to the fullest!". In reality though, are we really? Dread is a dead end to happiness! If you want to be happy, you have to become aware of your thoughts and how they contribute toward the outcome of your life. You have to become intentional about what you're thinking, and you have to become authentic. When we look at our life's issues and someone ask what did you contribute toward your own situation, man, your first feeling is probably one of defense. Who wants to have to look at themselves and say yes, I was molested, it hurts, and now you're telling me because I won't let go of it I'm causing these problems in my life! Like who wants to admit that. It's better to blame the person who hurt you from the start. It's comfortable to say I didn't do this to myself so why am I blaming me? It's not blame though, its awareness. It's calling to the forefront the real issues you are facing, and approaching them with love but firmness so that you it no longer is a hindrance in your life. That's what awareness did for me. It brought me to that place of hey, I've been part of the herd when I never really wanted to be just moooo-ving through life! I had to reference the cow! It's often how we go along in life. We moooove through life following the herd.

What I know now my beautiful people, is that in order for me to feel the wind of the trees and recognize the greatness of God I had to become aware. In order for me to witness the joy of children when they play, I had to become aware of life. In order for me to love myself for real I had to become aware of the love that already lived inside of me through God. I had to witness what he gives me on a daily basis. I had to become aware.

To be authentic, I have to connect with self everyday intentionally. I have to wake up thanking my Creator. I have to go throughout my day being aware of my actions and why I'm doing them. Being aware means no longer being a part of the herd! I don't have to laugh at a sad corny joke. I don't have to say something because friends say it. I know many of us have been there. More than not being aware of who you truly are in that moment, you are being someone you aren't. You aren't being intentional about the direction and overall goal of your life. I have been in that place and am happy to be coming out.

I'm going to share something that I'd encountered this week that I feel was an authentic moment for me. My husband and I were meeting with this property manager to look at a house we were interested in. I was completing some paperwork while the two men talked. As I was finishing they got onto the subject of race. Where we are not race is very evident. I can understand why the subject came up. I listened to the conversation and found myself to smile. It was a bright and glowing smile. I was caught up in the God-moment of the two men discussing race and reactions to race in 2015 America! A black man and a white man discussing race. I loved it. I was blessed to had been in the middle. I was blessed to hear the white man discuss how he had come from racist grandparents but he never understood himself why they weren't accepting of his black neighbors. I was amazed that my husband was able to say as a black man that he doesn't think it's the whole world that's racist but a select few. He said that if the good people do nothing then that's when evil wins. The dialogue was beautiful. I enjoyed listening. I enjoyed being in that moment. I saw it as breeding ground for something new and beautiful. Something America hasn't seen or witnessed. Black man and white man shaking hands in agreement on the treatment of the world. I saw our kids growing up in a safe world. I saw love budding between two races that for a long time have killed each other over nothing more than the color of skin. I wanted to see more! I wanted to live in that place in which I believe my spirit was communicating to me could exist! I wanted to be there. For about ten minutes I was living there. For about ten minutes I was in a glorious and spectacular place. I was in an anointed place.

Being authentic for me was doing something I don't do because it's a different reaction than those around me. I connect in moments like this. I love it. I don't do it often enough. I'm practicing more and more each day my authenticity! It's intentional. I'm aware! Have courage to be you! Be aware of who you are and love it!

Until next tomorrow my precious Authentic's! 

Monday, December 21, 2015

Week One: Being Intentional #JourneytoAuthenticity

Greetings Authentic's!

How are you?
I've been super excited about the feedback from you beautiful people! I have appreciated the compliments as well as the insight you have shared. Continue to share your thoughts with me. Lets continue to discuss this thing on our journey to authenticity! 
My weekend has been eventful having been around my nieces and watching them play. It's amazing how it seems that kids never tire! The party goes on forever in their heads! Lol 

I wanted to be intentional about what I post during this next 9 weeks with you and no better way to start off than by creating a theme for each week. So this week we'll be discussing ways in which being intentional and being authentic relate. It seems like a good start to me because being authentic takes intention.

Behind my glasses.... 
Each and everyday for the last few years of my life I have worked on being a better person. I have done it because I didn't want my past to define me. What I just said is significant because I had a desire. How many of you have looked to the heavens, wished upon a star, hoping that the idea clicks? .....that what you need one day makes sense in your head so that you get your desired outcome? I like to call it reaching for the stars. Desire isn't enough and I've been a-reaching and a-reaching while having the infectious pus of my past seeping through into my present.
I've been working throughout my life to not allow myself to be this broken, molested, abandoned, and rejected child. #GettingNaked I knew this child very well. I carried her in my heart to every event, every social setting, and she even laid down in the bed with me at night. I welcomed her in, hugging her, and loving her the best I knew how. Before my journey to healing I rejected her like others had because I couldn't find a way to come to terms with her story. I couldn't bare look at this child in the mirror and ultimately it meant I couldn't look at me. 

Don't feel sorry for me Authentic's. That's just a part of my story. It's a part of what made me the strong woman I am today. I chose to Get Naked this way to help someone in their journey to authenticity! So,What does it have to do with being intentional? When I was in that stage of life I started getting books, talking to counselors, and laying on the altar of the church crying my heart out trying to overcome my past. I wanted to clean out the clogged parts of my life, and I wanted it desperately! Something was missing though, I didn't have a clear outcome in mind. I wasn't specific about what I wanted to accomplish by seeing a counselor. I wasn't specific about what I wanted to be the recipient of after laying prostate in the presence of God. At times I had no idea what I wanted. I just wasn't sure. .. and other times I wanted freedom, I wanted to no longer hurt, and I wanted to not be the broken girl. The question then becomes what does that look like for me? What does not being broken look like? How do I get there? What are the steps? 

What I've learned is that I had a passion, a strong desire, and the will to get my life right. I hadn't completely understood how to get it done. I'd done work don't get me wrong but it wasn't totally intentional.

I remember reading what I called "The Bible". It was a book full of stories of women who'd been raped or molested. This book, The Courage to Heal, is phenomenal. I was committed to it because it understood me. What I realized though is that this book identified for me what I had been feeling all along as a victim. I related to the women of the book and their journeys to healing. However this book only soothed my pain. It didn't wipe away the tears that turned into boiling springs of anger. It didn't take away the negative feelings I'd grown accustomed to. It only validated me. It told me I was feeling normal as a victim. It didn't tell me how to no longer be a victim. It didn't give me any other identity. I didn't know what I wanted to look like after reading the book either.

What in particular do I need? How do I get what I need? What is the goal that I'm trying to reach and what tools do I need to get there? These are questions i hadn't yet explored. I thought self-help books were clearing the infection. I was wrong. It was like neosporin. It was an aid but not one designed for the depths of my wounds. I continued with massaging the pain with prayers to God for emotional healing. That consisted of crying my eyeballs out!!! It was relief for a minute. Only a minute..... 
What I know now is that in order for me to be authentic, I have to be intentional. Being authentic leads to being your best self. Being intentional allowed me to release behaviors that I only performed because I was trying to cover up the broken person I was. I wasn't showing forth my talents, gifts, love, loyalty, etc because I was in hiding. Being intentional cleared the path for me to be authentic! I hope this makes sense to you Authentic's. I have to be intentional. Specific. Clear. I have to do those things to be authentic.
Share with me what sticks out for you in this piece. Share with me something that's covered you from being your most true, loving, beautiful self. Share with me how you feel about this post. Ask questions as well I'll address them in the next blog post.

Until Tomorrow....

Friday, December 18, 2015

Day 2 #JourneytoAuthenticity

Hey there Authentic's! How do you like that name for yourself? I figured it would fit you who are on this journey to authenticity with me. I'm on tonight because I wanted to share a thought that I had while watching the movie Grown Ups 2.

In the movie, Chris Rock plays, Kurt, the father of Charlotte (China Anne McClain). Charlotte can sing but isn't confident in her abilities. She only sings in the shower and has never let anyone hear her voice. During a party that Kurt's' friend Lenny (Adam Sandler) had, Charlotte gets caught singing. 
This scene resonated with me because she was so lost in her gift, in her talent, in her element that she didn't realize that the music had stopped. She hadn't realized that all eyes were on her.

Hiding behind my glasses....
I've been Charlotte. I've literally done exactly what she did I'd sing in the shower or in the car only to get around others and lose the ability to sing. In the past I have auditioned for nationals in high school, and sang with some great voices on praise teams. Having did all of that, I have never found that place that Charlotte did. I have never opened my mouth and got so lost in my gifts that it didn't matter who was around. Charlotte lost track of time and space. She sang her heart out. She lifted her voice without restraint. I could feel that from her spirit.

I don't know about you but when I've encountered someone operating in their gifts or talents without restraint the energy is felt in my spirit. I often go back and watch Fantasia Barrino's American Idol audition when I'm feeling stuck, or discouraged. I watch how she started out, how she spilled her soul out on the floor, and how she left it there for the world to see. She didn't hold back and as many of us know she went on to win the title of American Idol. Her journey shows how doors can open when we stop hiding. When we are open and authentic others are blessed. Fantasia doesn't know who I am but her ability to step on camera and give of herself like that gave me hope. That energy touched me. That inspiration, that strength, that fight to keep pushing... I use that for fuel. 

Imagine that while on our journey to authenticity we began to allow ourselves to experience that deep energetic spiritual feeling of walking in our natural gifts and talents. It doesn't even have to be a gift or talent though. It can be enjoying a comedy show because you simply love to laugh out loud at stupid things. You can go sit at a park under a shade tree and close your eyes as if you're the only one there. If that connects you to God, and ultimately yourself why not do it? Why not connect with you? Who are we hiding from? What will it take for us to let go? 
We spend so much time connecting with others. Connecting with others is great but it's outside of self. On our journey I believe it's important to connect with ourselves. 

Lets take the life of Charlotte, analyze her moment, and evaluate our lives against that moment. What can we do Authentic's to be true, and authentic to self? What is it that makes us feel SUPER REAL and connected to God. What is it that makes us breathe, see beauty, or feel free?
When my husband kisses me I tell him its like tasting sweet honey. He doesn't get how I could get honey out of his kisses. I can't always explain it but I know it's me just being. I'd kiss him before taking a spoon full of honey any day. Why? It's because I connect with MYSELF by expressing my genuine experience of our shared kiss. I believe God's presence is in being authentic. He allows me to taste honey when I kiss my husband. He shows up! Our experience of the world is beautiful because we are our true, authentic, God breathed selves....

I feel connected to God during these times and the joy of that can be overwhelming...... 
With this revelation, I plan on putting Authenticity into action. I want that, don't you? I want to live authentically, as God created me.

 I look forward to this journey to authenticity! Share with me a time you have hid your gift, talent, or an aspect of your personality that feels good to you? Perhaps a part of you that connects you to God. I'd love to hear your experiences. 

Signing off........

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Day 1 Introduction #JourneytoAuthenticity

Behind my glasses..... 
Have you ever sat in a room full of people and not said a word because the fear of rejection you felt was stronger than the desire for freedom you kept? A desire for freedom that was hidden behind a secret door that you'd lost the key to a long time ago....
 Have you ever listened to the chatter of family and friends, desperately wanting to join in, but your laugh is loud and lifted up from the gut? Such a laughter is felt so deeply in your gut that you are embarrassed to let the beast loose! Yes! That kind of laughter! It makes me smile thinking of it.
 Have you ever hidden behind your glasses, your sweatshirt, your hoodie, or hat? 
Have you put your hands over your mouth because you have a crooked smile, or put a leash on your boldness so that others feel less intimidated by your approach? 
Let us think on these things with truth in our heart. 
Think on  the times in which you hid your greatness.
Times when we knew we should be shining but the fear of the treatment of haters stopped our shine. 
What about times when you felt as if you could see the haters looking at you without lifting your head, and the energy they directed toward you is black as night... at least that's what you imagined. So you dare not speak. 
That's me.

Behind my glasses....
Behind them I decided that since these people have wronged me, I would hide. 
I would not share even when the desire to do so made my stomach ache. I would not give of myself because people can't handle who I am. 
I am a super-shero! #supershero #Yesssss
Never would I say that in a crowd! Not with the enthusiasm and super-power-jumps I feel in my spirit right now!
 Never would I say that in front of someone with the level of excitement that presents itself in my being. 
People look at you crazy.
Yep! I'm around the wrong people!

I'm writing to speak these truths and experiences because I want a more authentic life.
If you are reading and understanding this hit the Google+ sign and leave me some feedback. I want us to go on this Journey to Authenticity together! 
I'm deciding that during the next 9 weeks I'm coming out of hiding. 
I'll share with you how I experience the world.
Maybe it'll resonate with you. Maybe you too will choose to live an authentic life.
 You may choose to do nothing at all. I urge you still, to walk with me on this journey.
 I'm sure I'll hear something from you that will bless me as I share my life with you. 
I've shared with you all pictures with my glasses on and with them off. 
I took the top picture when I was having a moment. That smile on my face was made only for the camera. Amazing the emptiness you can hide with a smile right!

 I didn't want to say something to a person I cared about. I put my glasses on deciding I would keep my mouth closed. The decision I made didn't serve me because this person can continue to say what they want while I dismiss my own feelings.
It's not healthy to do that. I have gotten weighed down in my emotions because of it. 
In the picture at the end of this blog I've taken my glasses off. I allowed myself to be myself in those moments without apology.
A friend called me about her graduation. I was first on the list. What an honor right! 
To celebrate the greatness of a friend was beautiful and sacred to me.
 That's how I think. The world is spiritual, physical, and spectacular! I revel in moments where I feel God chose me.
Some people would say you are doing to much! Without hiding I would say, whatever! I'm doing me. I'd love to be that way 100% of the time.
 People have a bubble they have built for themselves, and I have the right to do the same for myself. They act how they like within their bubble. I don't have to act the way everybody else does, right? 
 So I went to that celebration, smiling, and crying space with her. I hugged her through the phone! I sang her a song and wanted to dance for her but she couldn't see it! LOL
I felt good. She was blessed too.

Being authentic means to me stripping yourself of negative thoughts from others, stripping yourself of what society deems to be acceptable in terms of the person you are, and loving all of yourself so that you can be yourself without apology! 
Below is a step in being authentic. 
The picture of me without glasses. 
A representation of getting naked.
It's just me. 

I wonder how my expressions will change throughout this journey.
 I wonder how things will look once I'm done with this series. I wonder but more than that I believe.
 I believe something significant will take place in me. I hope the positive of this journey has an effect on your life too. Maybe you'll inspire someone to be authentic.
 Again share your feedback and let me know if you see any differences. I'd like to see your pictures too! 

 Share your story with me. 
Let's take this Journey to Authenticity together! 