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Week 2: Being Yourself and Loving It #journeytoauthenticity #BeYou

Beautiful people welcome to Hiding Behind My Glasses #journeytoauthenticity! Authentic's I'm happy to have you here! I'm happy...

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Awareness #BeIntentional #JourneytoAuthenticity

Authentic's!!!!!! How's your day been?

I've been practicing taking care of my business. I say practicing because I'm in the midst of surrendering, letting go, of language that no longer serves me. Trying to take care of business doesn't serve me. So I practice! 

So as you know, if you've been reading along, I decided to theme this week Being Intentional. I have looked for ways in which being intentional and being authentic relate. I've found today in my research that awareness fits into the relationship between authenticity and being intentional. I also found this quote that I enjoyed, “It takes courage to grow up and turn out to be who you really are.”~E.E.Cummings. 

Along this journey, Authentic's, I remember having my life coach ask me a series of questions that caused me to look at things in a totally different light. One thing in particular that she asked was what my responsibility was in the outcome of my life. I thought of that before, you know, but not in depth. I hadn't looked at it with awareness or without the victim mentality I'd spoken of in previous post. The quote above speaks volumes about awareness without mentioning the word. You  have to have courage in the world we live in filled with haters, spectators, judges, and executioners! How many of us are doing things to fit in? How many of us say the same phrases.... Yasssss! You knew!!! That's what's up!!! Dab On 'Em! I mean Really!!! #TEAMGuiltyascharged LOL 
So we do things and we act certain ways that protects us from being rejected by the mainstream. The question is then are you aware of how you are moving through life? Are you and I moving according to whats accepted by society, or are we moving through life according to who we are created to be? I'd like to note to that once you are being as God created, you aren't just moving through life, you're living it to the fullest!

Behind my glasses.......
 Before Precious, aka my life coach, asked me what my responsibility was I was moving through life on autopilot. I was waking up, taking care of kids, cooking dinner, dishing out my troubles to friends on the phone, and trying to live my life! I wasn't living it though. I was in a fog. I felt like my sight was clouded with grays and blacks trying to manifest a dream. I was tired, busted, and disgusted! People would say, "Sharhonda, How are you?" My response would be, "I'm making it!" Meaning, I'm here... wishing life was better, but I'm trying to make the best of it. I wanted a life where I could wake up in the morning and say, Thank you Lord instead of OH Lord! I dreaded most days. My question became, what is going to be the problem that I have to overcome today? I watch on Facebook everyday how many of us say, "I'm not pressed for nothing!", or "Living life to the fullest!". In reality though, are we really? Dread is a dead end to happiness! If you want to be happy, you have to become aware of your thoughts and how they contribute toward the outcome of your life. You have to become intentional about what you're thinking, and you have to become authentic. When we look at our life's issues and someone ask what did you contribute toward your own situation, man, your first feeling is probably one of defense. Who wants to have to look at themselves and say yes, I was molested, it hurts, and now you're telling me because I won't let go of it I'm causing these problems in my life! Like who wants to admit that. It's better to blame the person who hurt you from the start. It's comfortable to say I didn't do this to myself so why am I blaming me? It's not blame though, its awareness. It's calling to the forefront the real issues you are facing, and approaching them with love but firmness so that you it no longer is a hindrance in your life. That's what awareness did for me. It brought me to that place of hey, I've been part of the herd when I never really wanted to be just moooo-ving through life! I had to reference the cow! It's often how we go along in life. We moooove through life following the herd.

What I know now my beautiful people, is that in order for me to feel the wind of the trees and recognize the greatness of God I had to become aware. In order for me to witness the joy of children when they play, I had to become aware of life. In order for me to love myself for real I had to become aware of the love that already lived inside of me through God. I had to witness what he gives me on a daily basis. I had to become aware.

To be authentic, I have to connect with self everyday intentionally. I have to wake up thanking my Creator. I have to go throughout my day being aware of my actions and why I'm doing them. Being aware means no longer being a part of the herd! I don't have to laugh at a sad corny joke. I don't have to say something because friends say it. I know many of us have been there. More than not being aware of who you truly are in that moment, you are being someone you aren't. You aren't being intentional about the direction and overall goal of your life. I have been in that place and am happy to be coming out.

I'm going to share something that I'd encountered this week that I feel was an authentic moment for me. My husband and I were meeting with this property manager to look at a house we were interested in. I was completing some paperwork while the two men talked. As I was finishing they got onto the subject of race. Where we are not race is very evident. I can understand why the subject came up. I listened to the conversation and found myself to smile. It was a bright and glowing smile. I was caught up in the God-moment of the two men discussing race and reactions to race in 2015 America! A black man and a white man discussing race. I loved it. I was blessed to had been in the middle. I was blessed to hear the white man discuss how he had come from racist grandparents but he never understood himself why they weren't accepting of his black neighbors. I was amazed that my husband was able to say as a black man that he doesn't think it's the whole world that's racist but a select few. He said that if the good people do nothing then that's when evil wins. The dialogue was beautiful. I enjoyed listening. I enjoyed being in that moment. I saw it as breeding ground for something new and beautiful. Something America hasn't seen or witnessed. Black man and white man shaking hands in agreement on the treatment of the world. I saw our kids growing up in a safe world. I saw love budding between two races that for a long time have killed each other over nothing more than the color of skin. I wanted to see more! I wanted to live in that place in which I believe my spirit was communicating to me could exist! I wanted to be there. For about ten minutes I was living there. For about ten minutes I was in a glorious and spectacular place. I was in an anointed place.

Being authentic for me was doing something I don't do because it's a different reaction than those around me. I connect in moments like this. I love it. I don't do it often enough. I'm practicing more and more each day my authenticity! It's intentional. I'm aware! Have courage to be you! Be aware of who you are and love it!

Until next tomorrow my precious Authentic's! 

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