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Week 2: Being Yourself and Loving It #journeytoauthenticity #BeYou

Beautiful people welcome to Hiding Behind My Glasses #journeytoauthenticity! Authentic's I'm happy to have you here! I'm happy...

Friday, December 18, 2015

Day 2 #JourneytoAuthenticity

Hey there Authentic's! How do you like that name for yourself? I figured it would fit you who are on this journey to authenticity with me. I'm on tonight because I wanted to share a thought that I had while watching the movie Grown Ups 2.

In the movie, Chris Rock plays, Kurt, the father of Charlotte (China Anne McClain). Charlotte can sing but isn't confident in her abilities. She only sings in the shower and has never let anyone hear her voice. During a party that Kurt's' friend Lenny (Adam Sandler) had, Charlotte gets caught singing. 
This scene resonated with me because she was so lost in her gift, in her talent, in her element that she didn't realize that the music had stopped. She hadn't realized that all eyes were on her.

Hiding behind my glasses....
I've been Charlotte. I've literally done exactly what she did I'd sing in the shower or in the car only to get around others and lose the ability to sing. In the past I have auditioned for nationals in high school, and sang with some great voices on praise teams. Having did all of that, I have never found that place that Charlotte did. I have never opened my mouth and got so lost in my gifts that it didn't matter who was around. Charlotte lost track of time and space. She sang her heart out. She lifted her voice without restraint. I could feel that from her spirit.

I don't know about you but when I've encountered someone operating in their gifts or talents without restraint the energy is felt in my spirit. I often go back and watch Fantasia Barrino's American Idol audition when I'm feeling stuck, or discouraged. I watch how she started out, how she spilled her soul out on the floor, and how she left it there for the world to see. She didn't hold back and as many of us know she went on to win the title of American Idol. Her journey shows how doors can open when we stop hiding. When we are open and authentic others are blessed. Fantasia doesn't know who I am but her ability to step on camera and give of herself like that gave me hope. That energy touched me. That inspiration, that strength, that fight to keep pushing... I use that for fuel. 

Imagine that while on our journey to authenticity we began to allow ourselves to experience that deep energetic spiritual feeling of walking in our natural gifts and talents. It doesn't even have to be a gift or talent though. It can be enjoying a comedy show because you simply love to laugh out loud at stupid things. You can go sit at a park under a shade tree and close your eyes as if you're the only one there. If that connects you to God, and ultimately yourself why not do it? Why not connect with you? Who are we hiding from? What will it take for us to let go? 
We spend so much time connecting with others. Connecting with others is great but it's outside of self. On our journey I believe it's important to connect with ourselves. 

Lets take the life of Charlotte, analyze her moment, and evaluate our lives against that moment. What can we do Authentic's to be true, and authentic to self? What is it that makes us feel SUPER REAL and connected to God. What is it that makes us breathe, see beauty, or feel free?
When my husband kisses me I tell him its like tasting sweet honey. He doesn't get how I could get honey out of his kisses. I can't always explain it but I know it's me just being. I'd kiss him before taking a spoon full of honey any day. Why? It's because I connect with MYSELF by expressing my genuine experience of our shared kiss. I believe God's presence is in being authentic. He allows me to taste honey when I kiss my husband. He shows up! Our experience of the world is beautiful because we are our true, authentic, God breathed selves....

I feel connected to God during these times and the joy of that can be overwhelming...... 
With this revelation, I plan on putting Authenticity into action. I want that, don't you? I want to live authentically, as God created me.

 I look forward to this journey to authenticity! Share with me a time you have hid your gift, talent, or an aspect of your personality that feels good to you? Perhaps a part of you that connects you to God. I'd love to hear your experiences. 

Signing off........

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