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Week 2: Being Yourself and Loving It #journeytoauthenticity #BeYou

Beautiful people welcome to Hiding Behind My Glasses #journeytoauthenticity! Authentic's I'm happy to have you here! I'm happy...

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Day 1 Introduction #JourneytoAuthenticity

Behind my glasses..... 
Have you ever sat in a room full of people and not said a word because the fear of rejection you felt was stronger than the desire for freedom you kept? A desire for freedom that was hidden behind a secret door that you'd lost the key to a long time ago....
 Have you ever listened to the chatter of family and friends, desperately wanting to join in, but your laugh is loud and lifted up from the gut? Such a laughter is felt so deeply in your gut that you are embarrassed to let the beast loose! Yes! That kind of laughter! It makes me smile thinking of it.
 Have you ever hidden behind your glasses, your sweatshirt, your hoodie, or hat? 
Have you put your hands over your mouth because you have a crooked smile, or put a leash on your boldness so that others feel less intimidated by your approach? 
Let us think on these things with truth in our heart. 
Think on  the times in which you hid your greatness.
Times when we knew we should be shining but the fear of the treatment of haters stopped our shine. 
What about times when you felt as if you could see the haters looking at you without lifting your head, and the energy they directed toward you is black as night... at least that's what you imagined. So you dare not speak. 
That's me.

Behind my glasses....
Behind them I decided that since these people have wronged me, I would hide. 
I would not share even when the desire to do so made my stomach ache. I would not give of myself because people can't handle who I am. 
I am a super-shero! #supershero #Yesssss
Never would I say that in a crowd! Not with the enthusiasm and super-power-jumps I feel in my spirit right now!
 Never would I say that in front of someone with the level of excitement that presents itself in my being. 
People look at you crazy.
Yep! I'm around the wrong people!

I'm writing to speak these truths and experiences because I want a more authentic life.
If you are reading and understanding this hit the Google+ sign and leave me some feedback. I want us to go on this Journey to Authenticity together! 
I'm deciding that during the next 9 weeks I'm coming out of hiding. 
I'll share with you how I experience the world.
Maybe it'll resonate with you. Maybe you too will choose to live an authentic life.
 You may choose to do nothing at all. I urge you still, to walk with me on this journey.
 I'm sure I'll hear something from you that will bless me as I share my life with you. 
I've shared with you all pictures with my glasses on and with them off. 
I took the top picture when I was having a moment. That smile on my face was made only for the camera. Amazing the emptiness you can hide with a smile right!

 I didn't want to say something to a person I cared about. I put my glasses on deciding I would keep my mouth closed. The decision I made didn't serve me because this person can continue to say what they want while I dismiss my own feelings.
It's not healthy to do that. I have gotten weighed down in my emotions because of it. 
In the picture at the end of this blog I've taken my glasses off. I allowed myself to be myself in those moments without apology.
A friend called me about her graduation. I was first on the list. What an honor right! 
To celebrate the greatness of a friend was beautiful and sacred to me.
 That's how I think. The world is spiritual, physical, and spectacular! I revel in moments where I feel God chose me.
Some people would say you are doing to much! Without hiding I would say, whatever! I'm doing me. I'd love to be that way 100% of the time.
 People have a bubble they have built for themselves, and I have the right to do the same for myself. They act how they like within their bubble. I don't have to act the way everybody else does, right? 
 So I went to that celebration, smiling, and crying space with her. I hugged her through the phone! I sang her a song and wanted to dance for her but she couldn't see it! LOL
I felt good. She was blessed too.

Being authentic means to me stripping yourself of negative thoughts from others, stripping yourself of what society deems to be acceptable in terms of the person you are, and loving all of yourself so that you can be yourself without apology! 
Below is a step in being authentic. 
The picture of me without glasses. 
A representation of getting naked.
It's just me. 

I wonder how my expressions will change throughout this journey.
 I wonder how things will look once I'm done with this series. I wonder but more than that I believe.
 I believe something significant will take place in me. I hope the positive of this journey has an effect on your life too. Maybe you'll inspire someone to be authentic.
 Again share your feedback and let me know if you see any differences. I'd like to see your pictures too! 

 Share your story with me. 
Let's take this Journey to Authenticity together! 

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