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Week 2: Being Yourself and Loving It #journeytoauthenticity #BeYou

Beautiful people welcome to Hiding Behind My Glasses #journeytoauthenticity! Authentic's I'm happy to have you here! I'm happy...

Friday, December 25, 2015

It takes action! #beintentional #journeytoauthenticity

Authentic's it's been a super busy week with it being the holiday season! My daughter, who's eleven, always reminds us which date Christmas break starts. She also reminds us that we need to bake cookies or build a gingerbread house for our family tradition. It's a very special time of year for her! I love the fullness of joy that she has.

This year it's been a little hard for me to get into the spirit of the holidays. I thought it would emotional for me because of my current situation. As I was starting to feel sorry for myself I heard a bird singing outside the bedroom window this morning. I listened and smiled. For that instance it's like God interrupted my sulking to remind me of the beauty today holds. After that I took a shower and prayed. I started to think INTENTION. What type of day did I want to have? I wanted to smile an authentic smile, the same smile that the bird's song had brought upon my face. I wanted to dance on the wind of the Christmas carols blasting from the radio. I wanted to smile with my children and genuinely be happy about it. I intended to have joy and love today no matter what my current situation was and I did.

I did because I added ACTION to my intentions. I purposely spent extra time putting on my cherry blossom body lotion. I made sure to rub the back of my worn feet because they needed extra love. I felt refreshed as I dabbed on some body spray. I felt like a lady as I looked in the mirror fresh and beautiful. All of these things, I know, make me feel good about me. I looked in the mirror and smiled at myself because I smelled like a rose and I'm shining bright like the sun. I'm beautiful in that moment. I'm getting back to that joy!

Intentionally, I took extra time on my hair, trying different styles until I found one that made me feel queen-like. This hair style allows me to walk in the room un-bothered by the looks of others. I'm not bothered because I look like a queen and I smell like a rose and I shine bright like the sun. I'm grand with grace.

With intention I pick clothes out that make me feel like myself, relaxed, homeboyish, with sass. I'm pretty, sporty, funny, gorgeous, and will write a check I can surely cash if need be! You know, I'm that real chick. Authentic! I splashed yellow beads against my black shirt to promote happiness and joy. I wore the yellow bracelet to remind myself that I'm a gorgeous rose, having fun, loving others, being me.

I had to be intentional. I had to take action. I had to do what was needed to produce the results I wanted.

Being authentic includes being intentional. Being intentional requires awareness. Bringing all of this together requires action. I'm learning Authentic's. I'm learning the work that it takes. I'm learning the faith it takes to move away from what you're familiar with in order to move toward your new normal.

I'm excited about the new year!
Soon we'll know what it's like to walk in authenticity each and every day. If I fall behind then I'll jump right back in the game! Cause being authentic is my goal. Let's do this thing with intention!
Let's be our genuine, authentic, God breathed selves!

Until next week gorgeous folks.. Enjoy your holiday season! #Beintentional

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