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Week 2: Being Yourself and Loving It #journeytoauthenticity #BeYou

Beautiful people welcome to Hiding Behind My Glasses #journeytoauthenticity! Authentic's I'm happy to have you here! I'm happy...

Monday, January 4, 2016

Week 3: Don't Be Ashamed! #JourneytoAuthenticity #HidingBehindMyGlasses #GetNaked #YouInspireMe

How are you gorgeous people? I hope that you are well! After Christmas break I was happy to get some free time from my kids. It was great to be alone for a few hours. I'm excited about continuing on in the theme of Being You! I had been thinking on and off for a few days about what to write. Believe it or not I was inspired while putting on my compression socks. Yes Lawd! I wear compression socks! Talk about #GettingNaked!
While putting on my compression socks I noticed they had a few specks of grass stuck in them. I'm such a country girl. As a little girl growing up I walked outside barefoot or in my socks. Of course my grandparents had a lot to say about the dirty socks I brought back in the house, especially with white socks turning to beige! Lol At present I still prefer socks or bare feet rather than shoes any day!
So while putting them on I thought to myself, "here I am cleaning off dirt from a place where I used to walk." I started to think of who could see the specks of grass. Even while writing this blog I thought of how people would think of me because I had a sock with dirt on it that I was putting on before bed! Yet while putting on that sock and pulling off those grass specks, the Spirit revealed to me that I should not be ashamed. Why not be ashamed? I shouldn't be ashamed because the grass specks were only evidence of where I'd been. It was a testament to what I'd walked through, nothing more. What I saw as dirt, God saw as a testimony. If someone saw that dirt, they would then have to ask me why it was there and I'd have to tell them how I came from that old place to the new! I would have to explain my dirt. *Smiles*

Hiding Behind My Glasses..... with my nieces wings on!! ☺☺
Dirt. We always wash it off. When my son was a toddler he was such a neat freak. Dirt was like slime to him. His hands would get dirty and he'd cry to have them washed. I tried to show him the joy of playing in the dirt but he was not having it. He was to young to register it then, but as he got older I had a lot of washing to do because dirt became a great friend of his! We shun dirt. We embrace cleanliness. It's like always rejecting things we consider failure and only accepting what we perceive as perfect. A great example is depression. For many years I had been fighting depression. I hid the fact that I was fighting it. I did my best to appear happy before others. To be unhappy was failure. To be perfectly sad and dreadful was not a good look, as we say. So I was continuously looking for ways to not be sad. I took medications, read books, and talked to therapist attempting to heal depression. I wanted to get out of that imperfect state. What I and others didn't explore was what was depressions reason for showing up in my life at that moment. Why was I experiencing this perhaps imperfect moment? I didn't realize that in that moment depression could serve me. I was ashamed of it and couldn't find the lesson that it taught me. It was dirt. Depression was something I wanted to wash off as soon as it touched me. I didn't see the jewels that it held within and for many years I couldn't find those jewels because I was attempting to wash off that dirt.

Dirt. It serves many purposes. Even microbial dirt. Underneath a microscope you find bacteria that we'd wash off in a heartbeat, but thank God some of it we can't see because it protects us. My grandmother was a gardener. She grew her own vegetables. I remember playing in the garden with her and seeing the different types of dirt. I saw her till the ground. Some dirt was super soft and nice to feel in your hands. Then there was hard dirt that wouldn't grow anything in it. That dirt grandma would break open with a ho until she got deeper into the ground where the softer dirt existed. Had grandma just looked at the rough dirt and kept moving she wouldn't have found the jewel underneath. In certain situations dirt is needed.  It's our job to understand what the different types of soil mean, yet as we go about our lives everyday we don't examine our dirt. We only see at as something that must be washed off. I know many of you reading my intro paragraph said how is she putting on a stocking that's dirty! Truth is I washed it but the smaller specks of grass didn't want to let go. Many of us would say well it's time to throw it away and by a brand new stocking. A stocking that's not dirty. If we look at this from a metaphorical standpoint is there a need to really throw the stocking away? Does dirt ruin the sock? Does it stop the sock from doing what it was created to do? I thought to myself while putting the sock on and pulling some of the little specks off, "The stocking still does what it's meant to do whether the specks are on there or not". Dirt has it's purpose and we shouldn't be ashamed of it. Dirt in many circumstances shows us who we are, it shows us what needs our attention in life, and most of all it is fertile ground for growth. Look at nature. Trees, plants, flowers, all of these beautiful and useful things come from the ground. Nature is not ashamed and the earth from which they came serves its purpose.

Authentic's, in our everyday lives let's not be afraid to share our story. Let's not be afraid of who we used to be. Who we used to be has purpose. It has it's reason for being. It's soil and not only that, look at how we've grown. Look at how we noticed the soil we were planted in and used it to grow into the AWESOMETASTIC people we are today! Love you as you are. Be you and Don't be ashamed of it.

Until tomorrow my loves.....

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